Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Trip to the Hospital

So Marsha and I made another trip to the hospital this morning in hopes that we would be coming home in a day or so with our new baby, Keira. Evidently today, like all the other times was not the day to have her. It really sucks to because Marsha was having horrible contractions from about midnight until 11:00 this morning. I felt really bad for her because she was in so much pain and there was nothing I could to alleviate the pain.

I believe the most frustrating part of the whole experience today was the nurse that we got stuck with today or the fact that we both hate our incompetent doctor. The nurse really pissed me off because she had this tendency to talk down to Marsha and I like we are a bunch of stupid idiots. I can stand a lot of things and being treated a lot of ways, but being talked down to in that manner was completely unacceptable.

At work I have to deal with people constantly. I do my best to treat people with respect and try not to talk to them in a manner which would make them feel stupid about a computer problem, not even if the problem is one in which they caused. My question is why can't other people apply that same principle to their daily lives and the people they deal with while they are at work.

Even though I don't post regularly, and I have a lot of stuff that I could post about, I enjoy this because it gives me a chance to blow of some steam.

I am SO ready for Marsha to have this baby.