Tuesday, December 1, 2009

How the Time Flies

Today I was greeted with an email from a coworker labeled "Daddy's Girl". I just thought it was some touching email that people passed around, which seems to happen more around the holidays than any other time, in my opinion at least. When I opened the email there were three pictures so I opened the first one and it was a picture of me holding Keira when we brought her to the college for the first time. She was less than a week old. Below are the three pictures that I was greeted with this morning, after I merged them together of course.

It seems like only yesterday when she was born, but now she's got two teeth coming in and she's got a personality that just so awesome. It amazes me how fast she has gotten to where she is at and I know the time will go only faster. In a few short months, she will be a year and before we know it, she will be 5 and then asking for the keys to the car. I try to remember that the time will fly by and enjoy every day with her and all the other kids because honestly, their childhood doesn't last forever.

Here are some comparison photos, then and now type of thing:

Like I said, so full of personality, and such a ham.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Hardest Job

I've always heard that the hardest job in the world is being a parent. While that job is difficult because one never knows if they are doing the right things for their kids. I believe the person that said that is only part correct on that statement.

I believe the hardest job in the world is being a "step" parent or parental figure. You get all the difficulties of being a parent and then throw in the fact that the kid isn't biologically yours. You love the kids as they are your own but depending on what age they are whenever you come into the picture there is not a guarantee they will see you as a parental figure no matter what you do.

I'm lucky to have a great woman who tries her best to ensure the kids realize that I am a parental figure in their life (God knows their biological father isn't), but that still doesn't force the kids to see me as a parent. Maybe with time and as they grow older and look back on their life they will realize that everything I ever did was done out of love for them.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here at Last, Here at Last, Keira's here at last

It's been an exciting few days. On Monday Marsha convinced the doctor to induce on labor. The plans were all set we would go to the hospital at 3:00 PM on Tuesday and they would start her on a medicine called Cervidil. They would keep her on that medicine for 12 hours then on Wednesday morning they would start the Pitocin, which is suppose to help the contractions come along at a steady clip.

When we got to the hospital on Tuesday they checked her before starting the Cervidil and Marsha had already started dilating. So basically they let us stay the night and "relax" before all the hard work that had to be done today.

Today was an awesome day, although I don't know if awesome really begins to fully describe the day. Keira is not my first child....she is my first girl however but that's not really what made it so incredible.

Whenever my first, Jordan, was born I wanted so bad to do things "normal". (i.e. rush to the hospital, natural child birth, cut the cord, and all those good things) God didn't have that in the cards for us (Lecia and I) and that's ok because as rough as things were, I wouldn't change things because those times were just as awesome as today.

Today I got to witness my daughter being born and WOW, was that an amazing site. I think that if Marsha and I didn't already have so many kids I would want to do this with her again. (She doesn't know that yet, probably won't until she gets a chance to read this blog, LOL)

I just wanna close this blog out by saying God is Great and I'm a blessed man

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Trip to the Hospital

So Marsha and I made another trip to the hospital this morning in hopes that we would be coming home in a day or so with our new baby, Keira. Evidently today, like all the other times was not the day to have her. It really sucks to because Marsha was having horrible contractions from about midnight until 11:00 this morning. I felt really bad for her because she was in so much pain and there was nothing I could to alleviate the pain.

I believe the most frustrating part of the whole experience today was the nurse that we got stuck with today or the fact that we both hate our incompetent doctor. The nurse really pissed me off because she had this tendency to talk down to Marsha and I like we are a bunch of stupid idiots. I can stand a lot of things and being treated a lot of ways, but being talked down to in that manner was completely unacceptable.

At work I have to deal with people constantly. I do my best to treat people with respect and try not to talk to them in a manner which would make them feel stupid about a computer problem, not even if the problem is one in which they caused. My question is why can't other people apply that same principle to their daily lives and the people they deal with while they are at work.

Even though I don't post regularly, and I have a lot of stuff that I could post about, I enjoy this because it gives me a chance to blow of some steam.

I am SO ready for Marsha to have this baby.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Windows 7 Beta test

I'm typing this from a gadget I found in the new Windows 7 beta. Just wanted to see what it would do